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Interactive Tools of European Galaxy Server

The Interactive Tools of European Galaxy Server can be reached here and is provided by University of Freiburg.

Short Facts

Service URL

Target group

Open for everyone

Login process

Login via OpenIDC (LS-AAI, DataPLANT)




Interactive Tools of European Galaxy Server offers:

  • Version(s): Galaxy 23.0 (Jupyterlab v3+)

  • Temporarly install new packages by the user

  • Shared folder exists

  • Persistent storage

  • Cloud storage can be accessed via Galaxy

  • Notebooks can be combined with classical HPC workflows

  • Part of the EOSC project EuroScienceGateway

  • Community can contribute VREs

  • Available resources and apps can vary based on user affiliation

Programming Languages:

  • Python

  • Julia

  • R

  • Ansible

  • Bash


  • Jupyter ML

  • MGnify

  • Jupyter for Material Science

  • Pangeo Jupyter

  • Climate Jupyter

  • bqplot

  • jupyter-matplotlib

  • jupyterlab-jupytext

  • jupyterlab-manager

  • fasta-extension

  • geojson-extension

  • katex-extension

  • jupyterlab_hdf

  • jupyterlab-execute-time

  • jupyterlab-kernelspy

  • jupyterlab-nvdashboard

  • jupyterlab-system-monitor

  • jupyterlab-topbar-extension

  • jupyterlab_pygments

  • nbdime-jupyterlab

  • collapsible_headings

  • code-snippet-extension

  • code-viewer-extension

  • metadata-extension

  • pipeline-editor-extension

  • python-editor-extension

  • r-editor-extension

  • scala-editor-extension

  • script-debugger-extension

  • theme-extension

  • jupyterlab-lsp

  • resource-usage

  • jupyter-server-proxy

  • git

  • jupyterlab-preview

  • RStudio

  • AskOMICS

  • BAM-iobio

  • VCF-iobio

  • BlobToolKit

  • CellXGene

  • Ethercalc

  • Phinch

  • MetaShARK

  • MetaShrimp

  • ODV

  • Wallace

  • iSEE

  • Wilson

  • Panoply netCDF Viewer

  • HiGlass

  • ParaView

  • QGIS

  • QuPath

  • Radiant

  • Scoop3-Agro

  • VRM Editor

  • Pavian

  • OpenRefine

  • Neo4J

  • GeoExplorer

  • NEAL


Interactive Tools of European Galaxy Server provides Jupyter servers within the following resource limits:

Resource Default Maximum
Number of Jupyter servers per user 1 1
Number of CPUs 1 4
CPU time 24 h 72 h
Amount of memory 4 GB 256 GB
Number of GPUs 1 1
Disk space 250 GB 2 TB
Persistent disk space 250 GB 250 GB