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PC² JupyterHub

The PC² JupyterHub can be reached here and is provided by Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing, University of Paderborn.

Short Facts

Service URL

Target group

All users of a computing time project at PC²

Login process

Login via LDAP




PC² JupyterHub offers:

  • Version(s): JupyterHub 3.1.0, JupyterLab 3.6

  • Temporarly install new packages by the user

  • Shared folder exists

  • Persistent storage

  • Pre-Set Environments

  • Course functionality

  • User home directory for e.g. user-specific packages

Programming Languages:

  • Python

  • Julia

  • R

  • jupyterlab-nvdashboard

  • jupyterlab-lmod

  • jupyterlab-desktop

  • jupyterlab-plotly

  • jupyterlab-pygments

  • Remote Desktop (noVNC)

  • Full offered software on clusters with graphical interface (


PC² JupyterHub provides Jupyter servers within the following resource limits:

Resource Default Maximum
Number of Jupyter servers per user 1 10
Number of CPUs None 143872
CPU time None 21 d
Amount of memory None 347 TB
Number of GPUs None 128
Disk space None 6 PB
Persistent disk space None 185 TB


Some technical insights about PC² JupyterHub:

  • Singularity integration (default + custom container)

  • Remote Desktop with Slurm tools and module

  • Remote Slurm kernel to start only kernels remote on cluster

  • Direct connection of the cluster parallel filesystem