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RWTH HPC JupyterHub

The RWTH HPC JupyterHub can be reached here and is provided by ITC RWTH Aachen University.

Short Facts

Service URL

Target group

Researchers, RWTH Students/Employees/Guests, Juelich Members, Users sponsored by other Users, Users upon project application

Login process

Login with RWTH HPC Account through most NHR or NRW VPNs




RWTH HPC JupyterHub offers:

  • Version(s): JupyterHub 3.0+, JupyterLab 3.4.7+

  • Shared folder exists

  • Persistent storage

  • Available computing time (core-hours) vary based on user affiliation or project. Project application is necessary.

  • Users installs planned, by request only at the moment.

Programming Languages:

  • Python 3.9

  • Octave

  • R

  • C++ 11/14/17

  • Matlab 2020b

  • Matlab 2022b


  • Python: Keras + Tensorflow

  • Python: Tensorboard + Keras + Tensorflow

  • Python: Pytorch

  • Pytorch: Tensorboard

  • Python: Gurobi

  • Matlab: Gurobi

  • Custom

  • ipytree

  • jupyterlab-drawio

  • jupyterlab-plotly

  • jupyterlab_iframe

  • nbdime-jupyterlab

  • jupyter-matplotlib

  • jupyterlab_pygments

  • jupyterlab/git

  • jupyterlab/latex

  • jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager

  • Matlab 2022b

  • Matlab 2020b


RWTH HPC JupyterHub provides Jupyter servers within the following resource limits:

Resource Default Maximum
Number of Jupyter servers per user 1 5
Number of CPUs 1 48
CPU time 4h 172 h
Amount of memory 4 GB 185 GB
Number of GPUs 0 2
Disk space 400 GB 1 TB
Persistent disk space 400 GB 1 TB


Some technical insights about RWTH HPC JupyterHub:

  • Deployment: Runs on HPC Hardware under Slurm.