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University of Münster JupyterHub

The University of Münster JupyterHub can be reached here and is provided by University of Münster.

Short Facts

Service URL

Target group

Students and employees of University of Münster, members of PUNCH4NFDI (soon)

Login process

Login via Shibboleth (DFN-AAI & eduGAIN federation)






University of Münster JupyterHub offers:

  • Version(s): JupyterHub 3.0, JupyterLab 3.6

  • Temporarly install new packages by the user

  • Persistent storage

  • Available resources and apps may vary based on user affiliation

  • Sciebo cloud storage integration (beta)

  • GUI apps via noVNC in browser window

Programming Languages:

  • Python

  • Octave

  • Julia

  • R

  • SageMath

  • gnuplot

  • Mathematica

  • C++

  • Rust

  • Go

  • Scheme

  • jupyterlab_pygments

  • ipyparallel-labextension

  • jupyter-matplotlib

  • jupyter-threejs

  • jupyterlab-datawidgets

  • bqplot

  • ipysheet

  • ipyvolume

  • jupyter-leaflet

  • jupyter-vue

  • jupyter-vuetify

  • jupyter-webrtc

  • jupyterlab-drawio

  • jupyterlab-plotly

  • nglview-js-widgets

  • jupyterlab-jupytext

  • jupyterlab-logout

  • jupyterlab-system-monitor

  • jupyterlab-topbar-extension

  • jupyterlab_iframe

  • nbdime-jupyterlab

  • @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager

  • @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-sidecar

  • @jupyterlab/git

  • @jupyterlab/server-proxy

  • @jupyterlab/latex

  • @jupyterlab/mathjax3-extension

  • @bokeh/jupyter_bokeh

  • @agoose77/jupyterlab-markup

  • @jupyter-server/resource-usage

  • @lckr/jupyterlab_variableinspector

  • @ryantam626/jupyterlab_code_formatter

  • jupyterlab-controlpanel

  • jupyterlab-helplinks

  • jupyterlab-theme-toggle

  • Matlab IDE

  • RStudio

  • VS Code

  • Shiny

  • Avogadro

  • Blender

  • Grace

  • Mathematica

  • MaxQuant


  • ParaView

  • Spyder

  • TeXstudio

  • VMD

  • VoreenVE


University of Münster JupyterHub provides Jupyter servers within the following resource limits:

Resource Default Maximum
Number of Jupyter servers per user 1 1
Number of CPUs 0.25 2
CPU time 6 h 6 h
Amount of memory 1 GB 16 GB
Number of GPUs 0 1
Disk space 5 GB 5 GB
Persistent disk space 5 GB 5 GB


Some technical insights about University of Münster JupyterHub:

  • Deployment: Kubernetes