Webbasiertes Data Science und Machine Learning mit Jupyter
The Webbasiertes Data Science und Machine Learning mit Jupyter can be reached here and is provided by University of Leipzig.
Short Facts
- Service URL
- Target group
Students and employees of University of Leipzig
- Login process
Login via SC account
- Support
- Documentation
https://www.sc.uni-leipzig.de, https://www.urz.uni-leipzig.de/unsere-services/servicedetail/service/webbasiertes-data-science-und-machine-learning-mit-jupyter
Webbasiertes Data Science und Machine Learning mit Jupyter offers:
Version(s): JupyterHub 3.1.0; JupyterLab 3.5.3
Temporarly install new packages by the user
Shared folder exists
Programming Languages:
Python 3.11
SageMath 10.0
R 4.2.2
Julia 1.8.5
Python 3.9 OpenCV 4.7
Python 3.9 PyTorch 1.10
Python 3.9 TensorFlow 2.6.2
Webbasiertes Data Science und Machine Learning mit Jupyter provides Jupyter servers within the following resource limits:
Resource | Default | Maximum |
Number of Jupyter servers per user | 1 | 1 |
Number of CPUs | 1 | 8 |
CPU time | 4h | 4h |
Amount of memory | 8GB | 32GB |
Number of GPUs | 0 | 1 |
Disk space | None | None |
Persistent disk space | None | None |