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HoreKa Jupyterhub

The HoreKa Jupyterhub can be reached here and is provided by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Short Facts

Service URL

Target group

Researchers, Users upon project application, Helmholtz users

Login process

Login through Home Organizations, Helmholtz AAI




HoreKa Jupyterhub offers:

  • Version(s): Jupyterhub 3.1.1, Jupyterlab 3.4.8

  • Temporarly install new packages by the user

  • Shared folder exists

  • Persistent storage

  • Available resources and apps may vary based on Cluster

  • User can install own python kernels

Programming Languages:

  • Python

  • Julia

  • R

  • jupyterlab-lmod

  • dask-labextension

  • jupyterlab-git

  • jupyterlab-latex

  • jupytext

  • jupyter-codeserver-proxy

  • jupyter-desktop-server


HoreKa Jupyterhub provides Jupyter servers within the following resource limits:

Resource Default Maximum
Number of Jupyter servers per user 1 1
Number of CPUs 72 72
CPU time None None
Amount of memory 237 GB 488 GB
Number of GPUs 0 4
Disk space None 800 GB
Persistent disk space 10 TB 250 TB


Some technical insights about HoreKa Jupyterhub:

  • BEEGFS Filesystem can be mounted

  • LSDF can be mounted

  • Container integration via pyxis